Thursday, October 1, 2020

Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration -2020


1. Photography Contest to Commemorate Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi


Here, we are back with the more activities and competitions for Primary, Secondary and Students as a Part of Gandhi Jayanti Celebration 2020. The following programs are planned to be conducted:

Conduct of Online Photography Contest – For School Children 

As a part of two-year commemoration period of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji, the Department of School Education & Literacy is organizing an online photography contest for school children from now up to 9th October, 2020. The nodal agency for this event will be the NCERT and it will conduct this competition with the support of My Gov. 

In this regard, Sri. R. Trimurthulu, Lecturer in Sociology, SCERT, A.P. is appointed as Nodal officer to coordinate this activity and to make this online photo competition smooth, speedy and successful. The details of the competition and how to apply are enclosed as Annexure. 

In order to make this event a success, all the DEOs / RJDSEs / Principals of IASEs / CTE / DIETs are requested to give vide publicity for maximum participation of students from across the State and to encourage the participation of maximum students from the schools. For any other information please contact through the email:

Photography contest to commemorate 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji

1Nature of contest: Photography contest

2. Theme options for photography contest"Dignity of Labour" or "Ek Bharat -Shresth Bharat".

3. Camera to be used: Any camera, including camera on cell phones

4. Mode of submission: Jpeg format only

5Grade categories that can Compete

Category - l:Class 1 to 5;

Category - 2: Class 6 to 8;

Category 3:Class 9 to 12

        Note:  all the photos please send to Library mail Id: 

6. Number of entries permitted per student: Only one entry per child

7. Where is the entry to be submitted by student: All students to submit their entries to their respective school.

8. Last date for submission of entry by students to schools9th October, 2020

9. Action by schoohThe Principal/Head of school of the concerned school will arrange for selection of one best photograph in each grade category and upload the selected best photos from 10-15 October, 2020 on link mentioned below:

10. Mandatory information to be filled by schooon My Gov, while uploading entries: Name of child, grade category, name of school, address of school, State/UT where school located, UDISE code of the school, Principal's email ID, contact mobile number of school/Principal/Head of school.

11. Role of NCERT: After submission of all the entries, MyGov/NCERT will arrange these entries State-wise & category-wise and will send them to concerned States/UTs by 20th October, 2020.

12. Role of SCERT of state/UT:The SCERTs may form a 'Committee of Experts' to examine the entries received from States / UTs to select the top 5 entries of the state/UT from each category. These entries may then be forwarded to NCERT latest by 30th October, 2020 for final selection at the national level.

13. State level winners: The top 5 entries of each state from each category shall be considered as state level winners and will be given certificates accordingly by NCERT.

14. Selection of best entries at national level: This selection process will be undertaken by a team authorized by NCERT from 1-15 November, 2020.

15. Announcement of national winners: By NCERT between 15-30 November, 2020

16. Certification: Participation certificates shall be jointly issued by NCERT and MyGov for all participants whose photos are uploaded by the schools on MyGov link.

17. Prizes:NCERT will select top three winners and seven consolation entries in each category. The winners shall be awarded with books, a pen drive with digital resources and cash awards (First Prize Rs. 10,000, Second Prize Rs. 7,000 and Third Prize Rs. 5000). The seven consolation prizes (Each Rs. 2000) shall be awarded in each category.

Click Here For: Guidelines

Click Here For: Proceeding

Hurry up now....!!